affiliations & peer review
Our firm is currently a member of the following professional organizations:
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("AICPA")

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the national, professional organization for all Certified Public Accountants. Its mission is to provide members with the resources, information, and leadership that enable them to provide valuable services in the highest professional manner to benefit the public as well as employers and clients.
Committed to member service and the public interest, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("AICPA") and its predecessors have been serving the accounting profession since 1887.
AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center ("EBPAQC")

The AICPA's Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center is a firm-based voluntary membership center designed to help CPAs meet the challenges of performing quality ERISA employee benefit plan audits. Employee benefit plan audits include pension, health and welfare, and 401(k) plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act ("ERISA") under the regulatory authority of the U.S. Department of Labor ("DOL"). The Center was established to promote the quality of employee benefit plan audits. The Center is governed by an Executive Committee that establishes general policies of the Center and oversees its activities. It also establishes the requirements for membership in the Center as necessary, subject to AICPA Board of Director's approval. The increasing complexity of employee benefit plan auditing and increased scrutiny by the DOL have resulted in a significant number of changes and issues for auditing firms and CPAs in general. Firms and CPAs will benefit from the assistance of the Center as a resource for improving employee benefit plan audit quality.
Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants ("TSCPA")

The Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants (TSCPA) is a nonprofit, voluntary, professional organization representing Texas CPAs. TSCPA has 20 local chapters statewide and has 29,000 members. The Society is committed to serving the public interest with programs that advance the highest standards of ethics and practice within the CPA profession. The Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants exists to support its members in their professional endeavors and to promote the value and high standards of Texas CPAs.
Houston CPA Society

The Houston Chapter of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants ("TSCPA") is a permanent source of continuing education as well as a professional network for CPAs, not only in Houston, but throughout Texas. With a membership base of 8,000 CPAs from a 13 county area, the Houston CPA Society is the largest CPA Society in Texas and larger than 42 state CPA societies. The Houston CPA Society has been the premier organization serving CPAs since 1928. Years of dedication by active and involved leaders has helped the Society focus on empowering CPAs to meet the challenges of the future through professional development and community involvement.
Peer Review
As a certified public accounting firm practicing in the areas of audit, review and assurance services, we participate in the AICPA's Peer Review program as administered by the TSCPA.
Peer review is the periodic process whereby our firm's quality control systems are reviewed by an authorized peer practitioner from outside our firm. Results of the peer review process are reported to the Texas State Board of Public Accounting, who grants the privilege for our firm to practice in certain areas, such as auditing and attestation.
The Peer Review program is dedicated to enhancing the quality of accounting, auditing and attestation services performed by CPAs in public practice.
Our firm has successfully undergone its required peer review process for the current period and is in good standing with our affiliated professional organizations and the Texas State Board of Public Accounting.
Robertson & Robertson PLLC maintains a valid license to practice public accounting by the Texas State Board of Public Accounting.
All certified public accountants within our firm maintain valid licenses to practice by the Texas State Board of Public Accounting.